How do you envision your retirement? Traveling the country? Relaxing on a tropical beach? Volunteering your time and promoting meaningful causes? Whatever your dreams, Weaver Insurance & Financial Advisors, in Waynesboro, VA, will help make your retirement planning easier, safer, and more successful. Founded in 1958, the company has spent the intervening decades helping clients invest wisely, protect their assets carefully, and build sturdy financial foundations for their futures.
The expert financial planners offer the following three important points you should know about retirement:
- You’ll Need More Savings Than You Think: Years ago, retirees lived comfortably on less, but due to technological and pharmacological advances, you will probably live longer and be more active than your parents and grandparents were. Company pensions are becoming increasingly rarer, and even company-sponsored retirement health care is not guaranteed. Make sure you accumulate a sizable nest egg to see you through your golden years.
- Don’t Count On Social Security: The average estimated monthly Social Security benefit for all retired workers in 2015 was only $1,306, and it is expected to drop. This amount may help you pay the bills, but it probably won’Appropriate Insurance: If your home is paid for and your survivors’ expenses are covered, life insurance premiums may be an unnecessary expense. However, long-term care insurance, which covers expenses not usually paid for by health insurance, can be invaluable. It covers services that aging people may need, such as help bathing, dressing, or eating. Nearly 70% of individuals who reach age 65 will need long-term care at some point.
Brent Showalter, Chad Hatter, and Jerry Zirkle
Weaver Insurance & Financial Advisors can advise you on how to handle your retirement planning and protect yourself and your assets with appropriate insurance. Call (540) 943-1221 to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable advisor.
Filed Under: Financial Services